
Vue Camera Gestures is a component that when placed on a page will

  • Request access to the user's camera
  • Prompt the user to train a number of configurable gestures
  • Prompt the user to repeat the gestures to verify the AI model
  • Emit events when the user performs the gestures

Vue Support

These are the docs for vue-camera-gestures 2.x, which supports Vue 3. If you are using Vue 2, please go to


    <camera-gestures @left="direction = 'Left'" @right="direction = 'Right'"></camera-gestures>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      direction: 'Left'

Basic Example

<camera-gestures @customEvent1="customEvent1()" @customEvent2="customEvent2()" @customEvent3="customEvent3()"></camera-gestures>

This will

  • Prompt the user to train three separate gestures of their choice using their device's camera (as well as a neutral position)
  • Once training is completed, the events will be fired when the user performs the gestures.

Note that the name and number of the events is completely configurable - you can simply subscribe to as many as you need.


via npm

npm i vue-camera-gestures --save

Register the component globally

import CameraGestures from 'vue-camera-gestures'
import 'vue-camera-gestures/dist/style.css'

app.component('camera-gestures', CameraGestures)

Or register it in a Single File Component

import CameraGestures from 'vue-camera-gestures'
import 'vue-camera-gestures/dist/style.css'

export default {
  components: {

You can ignore the peer dependency warning as the Tensorflow JS libraries are bundled with the component. You can also import the Vue Camera Gestures library on its own (only 4KB Gzipped!).

via CDN

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>
<script src=""></script>

  const app = Vue.createApp({
    // ...
  app.component('camera-gestures', CameraGesturesComponent)


For production, it is recommended that you link to a specific veresion number to avoid unexpected breakage from newer versions.

Getting Started

The simplest way to specify both the gestures to be trained and to subscribe to events is to simply subscribe to an event with a name of your choice. Please note that there are a number of reserved event names.

<camera-gestures @fancyGesture="doSomething()"></camera-gestures>

Event names in camelCase will be split into separate capitalized words.

  • When the gestures is being trained the user will see the prompt Perform a gesture: Fancy Gesture
  • When the AI model is being tested, the user will see the prompt Verify gesture: Fancy Gesture

Customizing prompts

The following code:

    {event: 'left', name: 'Go Left'},
    {event: 'right', name: 'Go Right'}

will display prompts such as:

  • Perform a gesture: Go Left
  • Verify gesture: Go Left

Props are available to let you customize the training and verification prefixes. The following code:

  trainingPromptPrefix="Signal with your hand: "
  verificationPromptPrefix="Again, signal with your hand: "
    {event: 'left', name: 'Go Left'},
    {event: 'right', name: 'Go Right'}

will display prompts such as:

  • Signal with your hand: Go Left
  • Again, signal with your hand: Go Left

To customize the full prompts for each event:

    {event: 'left', trainingPrompt: 'Raise your left hand', verificationPrompt: 'Raise your left hand again'},
    {event: 'right', trainingPrompt: 'Now raise your right hand', verificationPrompt: 'Raise your right hand again'}

The default "neutral" prompts are:

  • Maintain a neutral position
  • Verify neutral position

These can be customized, as shown:

  neutralTrainingPrompt="Do nothing"
  neutralVerificationPrompt="Again, do nothing">

Event frequency

By default, an event will be fired once when the user makes the gesture, and will not be fired again until either

  • a different gesture is detected or
  • the user first returns to the neutral position.

This behaviour can be turned off using the fireOnce prop. If set to false events will be fired each frame they are detected.

<camera-gestures :fireOnce="false"></camera-gestures>

To limit how often the same event can be fired, use the throttleEvents prop, specifying a number of milliseconds. If the user persists with a gesture, its event will be fired straight away, and then at the specified interval.

In the following example, if the user persisted the up gesture, the up() method would be called immediately, and then once every second.

<camera-gestures :fireOnce="false" :throttleEvents="1000" @up="up()"></camera-gestures>

These settings can also be customized per gesture.

    {event: 'left', fireOnce: false, throttleEvent: 1000},
    {event: 'right', fireOnce: false, throttleEvent: 200}

Customizing the appearance

By default the component displays a feed from the user's camera with a progress bar below it (when training or verifying), and then an instruction. After the training cycle has completed, only the camera feed is displayed by default.

Hiding the camera feed

The camera feed can be turned off at various points using the showCameraFeedDuringTraining, showCameraFeedDuringVerification and showCameraFeedAfterTrainingCycle props.


Note that this will still render the video element in the DOM due to TensorFlow requirements - it will just be hidden.

Customizing the progress bar

The progress bar can be customized using the progress slot. The slot props object contains the following properties:

  • inProgress: Boolean Whether something is in progress and a progress bar should be displayed
  • progress: Number A number between 0 and 1 indicating the current progress

For example, to instead render a custom progress bar (if you have elsewhere defined my-progress-bar):

  <template v-slot:progress="{inProgress, progress}">
    <my-progress-bar v-if="inProgress" :percent="progress * 100"></my-progress-bar>

Customizing the instructions

The displayed instructions can be customized using the instructions slot. The slot props object contains the following properties:

  • training: Boolean Whether a gesture is being trained
  • verifying: Boolean Whether a gesture is being verified
  • event: String The event being trained or verified. Could be neutral.
  • eventName: String The custom name of the event being trained or verified, if provided
<camera-gestures @left="left()" @right="right()">
  <template v-slot:instructions="{training, verifying, event}">
    <span v-if="training">Train the following event: <strong>{{event}}</strong></span>
    <span v-if="verifying">Verify the following event: <strong>{{event}}</strong></span>

Customizing the initial loading indicator

The initial loading indicator that is displayed while the Mobilenet model is loading can be customized using the loading slot. The slot props object contains a single property: loading.

<camera-gestures @left="left()" @right="right()">
  <template v-slot:loading="{loading}">
    <my-fancy-spinner v-if="loading"></my-fancy-spinner>


By default, the component will begin training as soon as it is rendered onto the page and is given camera permission. It has the following behaviour by default:

  1. Prompt the user to make a neutral position, and after one second delay, displays a progress bar for three seconds while it trains the neutral position based on the camera input.
  2. Loops through each gesture. For each gesture, prompts the user to make the gesture, and after one second delay, displays a progress bar for three second while it trains that gesture based on the camera input.
  3. Prompts the user to make the neutral position, and after one second delay, displays a progress bar for one second while it verifies the neutral position.
  4. Loops through each gesture. For each gesture, prompts the user to make the gesture, and after one second delay, displays a progress bar for one second while it verifies the gesture.
  5. If any gesture is identified with less than 90% accuracy, the user is given an extra second to verify it, and if it fails with less than 90% accuracy again, training will begin again from step 1.
  6. Once all gestures are verified with more than 90% accuracy, the instructions will disappear (but the camera feed remains), and events will be fired when gestures are recognised.

Starting training

The component will begin training each of the events as soon as it is rendered onto the page. You can customize when the training starts using the v-if prop. For example, the following code will only start training the gestures when the button is clicked.

  <button v-if="!cameraGesturesOn" @click="cameraGesturesOn=true">Start Training</button>
  <camera-gestures v-if="cameraGesturesOn"></camera-gestures>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      cameraGesturesOn: false

Training the neutral position

By default the neutral position will be trained first, before any of the other events. You can train it last instead with the trainNeutralLast prop.

<camera-gestures :trainNeutralLast="true"></camera-gestures>

Disabling verification

Verification can be turned off with the doVerification prop.

<camera-gestures :doVerification="false"></camera-gestures>

Training/Verifying timing

By default,

  • There is a delay of 1 second before gestures are trained/verified to give the user time to start doing them,
  • Gestures are trained for 3 seconds
  • Gestures are verified for 1 second

These values can be customized for all gestures (including neutral) by providing the following props with values in milliseconds:


These can also be customized per gesture.

    {event: 'left', trainingDelay: 2000, trainingTime: 2500},
    {event: 'right', verificationDelay: 800, verificationTime: 1500}


By default 90% accuracy during verification is needed before events will be fired. This can be modified using the requiredAccuracy prop, which accepts a number between 0 and 100.

<camera-gestures :requiredAccuracy="100"></camera-gestures>

This can also be customized per gesture.

    {event: 'left', requiredAccuracy: 100},
    {event: 'right', requiredAccuracy: 50}

Library size

Vue Camera Gestures, which comes bundled with three Tensorflow libraries, is 215KB minified + Gzipped. If you do not want this contributing to your application's entry-point, you should code-split the library into a separate chunk, which is trivial if using WebPack. For example, in a Single File Component:

import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
export default {
  components: {
    // Only load the vue-camera-gestures library when we 
    // first try to render it
    'camera-gestures': defineAsyncComponent(() => import('vue-camera-gestures'))

In addition to the library size, at run-time the library loads the Mobilenet AI model, which is around 17MB.

Installing without the bundled version of Tensorflow

By default the Tensorflow JS library is bundled with the component, but this may not be the desired behaviour, such as if you are separately using Tensorflow in your project and want to avoid bundling it twice. Vue Camera Gestures is only 4KB minified + Gzipped without Tensorflow. The library can be imported without Tensorflow as follows:

via npm

npm i @tensorflow/tfjs --save
npm i @tensorflow-models/knn-classifier --save
npm i @tensorflow-models/mobilenet --save
npm i vue-camera-gestures --save

Register the component globally

import CameraGestures from 'vue-camera-gestures/dist-plain/'
import 'vue-camera-gestures/dist-plain/style.css'

app.component('camera-gestures', CameraGestures)

Or register it in a Single File Component

import CameraGestures from 'vue-camera-gestures/dist-plain/'
import 'vue-camera-gestures/dist-plain/style.css'

export default {
  components: {

via CDN

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

  const app = Vue.createApp({
    // ...
  app.component('camera-gestures', CameraGesturesComponent)

Improving the initial load time

When the component is first rendered it will load the mobilenet Tensorflow pre-trained model, which is quite large (~17MB). It may be quicker to load this earlier, before the user gets to the component. This can be done as follows:

import { loadMobilenet } from 'vue-camera-gestures'
loadMobilenet() // returns a promise that resolves when mobilenet is loaded

Saving the generated model

Due to differences in lighting conditions, how far the user is positioned from the camera, background noise, choice of gestures, etc, for best results it is recommended that gestures be trained each time before the user uses them.

It is, however, possible to save and load models generated through training. A trained model can be retrieved by subscribing to the @doneTraining event.

  <camera-gestures @doneTraining="doneTraining"></camera-gestures>

export default {
  methods: {
    async doneTraining: function (model) {
      await this.$'myapi/saveModel', model)

A model, in JSON format, can be provided using the model prop. If this is not null or undefined, training and verification will be skipped, and the provided model will be used.

  <camera-gestures v-if="modelLoaded" :model="model"></camera-gestures>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      model: null,
      modelLoaded: false
  async mounted () {
    const res = await this.$axios.get('myapi/getModel')
    this.model =
    this.modelLoaded = true